Cancer treatment method and guideline


For the last seven years, Shri Navagraha Ashram Seva Sansthan in  Ayurveda medicine, medicinal plantation, medical research and cow service in desi cow breed culture and in treating many incurable diseases like cancer, kidney, sugar, paralysis, epilepsy has become a scientific ayurveda medical institute in whole world by giving great results beyond hope to the patients. The medical team working at the ashram is hardworking, skilled and full of experience. So far, he has provided his successful treatment to almost lakhs of cancer patients and is an inspiration and a light of life hope for peoples. The ashram is completely a service institution, which along with medicine also does the work of providing Ayurveda education to boys and girls according to the education system based on the Gurukul tradition.


Other information related to the working of the ashram:

  • There are 2 hours classes on every Saturday and Sunday in the ashram auditorium aat 8 a.m. for cancer patients and their relatives.
  • in the same way there is a two hours class on every friday at 08.00am in the same auditorium for the kidney and sugur patients and thire relatives.
  • During the classes, the method of taking medicine, causes of cancer, abstinence that should be observed,the need of having faith in treatment,confidence and courage will be explained to the patients. There will be testimonies and talks of the cured people.
  • Cancer patients should reach before 8 am on Saturday and Sunday.
  • It is not necessary to bring the patient along if his/her condition is not good. The relatives of the patient can come.
  • The living collection of 457 types of medicinal plants in Ashram Aushadhi Van is unique and incomparable in the whole of India. For prarabdhjanya diseases including paralysis, epilepsy, insanity, hysteria, cancer (cancerkit, ayurvedic chemo) ashram provides free  medical consultation and is also applicable to children below five years of age.
  • The staff of the ashram is always ready to give any kind of ashram related information and help to the patients and their families.A toll free number 8448449569 is available at all times from 8 am to 6 pm. Apart from this, you can also contact on 7665555755 and 7023062755.
  • For latest information about shri navgrah ashram you can always visit and also subscribe the channel called ‘Shri Navagraha Ashram’ on YouTube so that you can stay updated.  You can also mail for any queiry on


Almost all types of diseases like heart disease, kidney (kidney) related diseases, gout,artheritis, paralysis, facial palsy, epilepsy, asthma, knee pain, high blood pressure, low blood pressure (BP), diabetes (sugar),Liver related diseases etc. More than 29 types of diseases are treated with Ayurveda system of medicine in shree navgrah aashram. For all other diseases, patients can get treatment on Fridays from 7 AM to 5 PM. Patients for cancer should come before 8 am on Saturday and Sunday.


Time table and procedure for taking medicine

05:00AM :            Praying for other patients and practicing yoga for oneself.

06:00AM :            10 leaves of  Shyam Tulsi, 10 leaves of sadabahar, 10 leaves of Neem Giloy (Cut a 6 inch stick of Neem Giloy                                 and crush  it and then take it), 5 leaves of Peepal, 25 leaves of Sheesham, 50 grams of Guarpatha (Aloe vera)                     pulp, 20 grams of wheatgrass (wheatgrass) and  10 leaves of Haridwar Tulsi, make a juice of all these and

06:45AM :            Ayurveda chemo (2 spoons medicine be taken with 4 spoons honey)

07:30AM :            Take Cancerkit 6 spoons, Raktshodhak 6 spoons and other medicines if you have in your prescription like liver 6 spoons, Cough-khansi  6 spoons, Sciatica 6 spoons, Pardar 6 spoons and to be made decoction(kadha) by thermos method(boil it then fill it in thermos) by mixing all of  them together.

08:15AM :            In 50ml cow urine, add 5 grams of  turmeric(crushed instant) and give it a boil, filter it and drink it.

09:00AM :            Lick the medicine that has been given to you in prescription (Migraine, Hemoglobin) mixed with honey.

Whenever the patient feels hungry , he can have food/snack after 47 minutes of taking any medicine. and Next medicine can be taken after 47 minutes of meal/snack.

12:00PM :           Only the juice of 6:00AM has to be taken.

06:00PM :            Repet the procedure of 7:30 am.

06:45PM :            In 50ml cow urine, add 5 grams of  turmeric(crushed instant) and give it a boil, filter it and drink it.

07:30PM :            Ayurveda chemo (2 spoons medicine be taken with 4 spoons honey)


  • Cancer patients must take all the decoction medicines together. The medicines prescribed with honey can be taken all together mixed with honey.
  • Dosage of medicines can be increased or decreased as per requirement.
  • Cancer patient should take ghee, milk and cow urine of desi/local breed

Method of making decoction(Kwath)

(1) :- Take Raktshodhan + cancerkit + other medicines (like cough-khansi, kidney, liver etc., whatever are in your prescription.) Mix them all together and make a decoction(kadha/kwath).

(2) First day :-  Take raktshodhan 1 spoon and Cancerkit 1 spoon and other decoction(kadha) medicines which are written in your prescription, take 1-1 spoon of them and boil them in water for 3-4 minutes.

(3) Put the boiling medicine in a hot thermos and cover it. After 12 hours, filter the decoction/kadha and drink it sip-sip within an hour.

(4) :- Increase the quantity of Raktshodhan + cancerkit 1 spoon/daily  till sixth day and other medicines 1 spoon/daily  till the third day. thereafter  the patient should not increase the quantity  of medicine till the recovery.

(5) :- Before filtering the medicine, boil it once more.

(6) :- The quantity of water can be kept 75 ml  / 1 spoon of medicine. For example-750 ml is to be kept for 10 spoons of medicine.

Things to note: (1) A decoction/kadha can be drunk slowly for 1 hour.                            

 (2) There should be a gap of 47 minutes in all these activities of  food, snacks, decoction,medicine.

Important things to keep in mind regarding cancer and its treatment

Cancer  is also known by the names karkra and arbud. Although this disease also looks like other diseases,it does not have virus and bacteria, yet it is  terrifying. In cancer disease, some negative cells form a group and take the form of a lump or their uncontrolled growth appears in the form of various types of cancer in the body. According to Ayurveda there are three types of cancer: blood cancer, flesh cancer and bone cancer.

Although there are thousands of reasons for getting cancer, the main reasons known so far are heriditary, excessive use of chemicals, fertilizers and pesticides which go into the body through food, non-vegetarian foods, smoking, alcohol consumption, junk food and industrial pollution. So one should try to avoid them. All the patients and their families who come to the ashram for treatment are told in full detail the method and time table of taking medicines.

Some other general things to keep in mind during treatment

  • Treatment of any stage of cancer is possible, the time taken for treatment may vary according to the severity of the disease.
  • Ayurveda can be treated with any other system of medicine, but only one system of medicine at a time is best.
  • Treatment with Ayurveda is possible even after chemotherapy or any therapy.
  • In addition to cancer, if any other type of disease’s medicine like BP, sugar or painkillers are going on, then keep taking them as they are, do not stop them completely. For these diseases also, by taking Ayurvedic medicines of the ashram, the quantity of English medicines can be reduced and stopped gradually.
  • Get the necessary tests related to the disease done on regular time.
  • Use only desi/local breed cow’s (Gir, Saiwal, Haryanvi, Rathi etc.) like cow urine, milk, ghee and buttermilk.
  • Allow the patient to have complete rest and sleep.
  • The amount of the drug can be reduced on the age and physical condition of the patient, for example, if there is more vomiting and diarrhea, the medicine can be stopped for 1 day and started again with one spoon, it can be done according to the capacity of the patient.
  • If the patient is less than 10 years, give half the dose


 The special things to note about the diet of a cancer patient

Dietary habits play an important role in any type of disease. What should be avoided and what should be taken in the diet will be told by the doctor to the patient and his family. In relation to cancer, it is advisable to take certain types of diet, which is explained to you in detail at the ashram. Its speciality  is that the cancer patient should not be given simple food (ordinary grains and pulses). Cancer patient has to use only those food items which we normally use in fasting. Ordinary grains contain many types of proteins and other components that remain in our body and weaken our natural immune system which has the ability to fight diseases. (WBC means white blood cells) and kills their T cells and feed cancer cells to help them grow more powerfully. This has been proved recently by the discovery of the 2018 Nobel Prize in Medicine. Keeping this in mind, Pavtan Arogya Aahar which is an affiliate of Shri Navagraha Ashram, has prepared a special type of diet for cancer patients, which has all the essential nutrients according to ancient Ayurveda and modern medicine and which cures diseases. It gives the body the ability to fight and along with the medicine, prevent the disease from progressing and help it to recover quickly. Pavatan Arogya diet mainly consists of Rajgira, Kuttu, Singhada, Sava and moong along with it and are used in fasting and play an important role in curing cancer disease. For more information related to this, you keep visiting Pavtan’s website from time to time, as this  provides you with new information all the time.


Pavatan’s valuable discovery for cancer patients Cookies (Biscuit) Components – Pavatan flour, mishri, cow’s ghee, cardamom and desi cow’s milk.

A Cancer patient can use all types of green vegetables, small amounts of chili, spices, raw Ghani oil, products made from milk and all types of fruits, dry fruits in which there is Munnaka (seeded grape vine) should be taken specially. .

White salt and white sugar are to be completely prohibted. instead of which you can use rock salt, black salt, sugar candy, jaggery and brown sugar. Potatoes, green peas, green corn and green gram can be eaten. Ghee, milk, butter, cow urine can be consumed,but only from a desi breed. If you do not get a virgin heifer, you can take the urine of the mother cow.


Method of making Ghee ointment to cure cancer lumps and woundsTake Two leaves of Ratanjot, 2 long leaveas of bacayan, 5 leaves of Neemgiloy, 1 leaf of native castor plant, 5 leaves of Tambesar (Vidhara), 5 leaves of small kathri, twig with 6 inch leaves of Kaner yellow/red, 1 spoon turmeric powder, 1 spoon coffee powder, 10 grams of marigold flower powder wet or dry (note- take any 4 or 5 types of green leaves) and 100 grams including Guvarpatha (Aloe vera peel) and cut all these leaves into fine pieces and put it in 1 liter of water. Boil it till it remains 700 ml. In this boiled water, add 250ml ghee slowly and boil it on low flame. At the time of boiling, when the quantity of water is exhausted (the sound of irritability stops), filter it and throw wastage solid part  away . After cooling apply it on the lump and the  wound. Patients who have sores on the tongue,  in the jaw, on the palate in the mouth, keep this mixture in the mouth for 4-5 minutes and spit it out after rinsing well. Note:- for applying the ointment at night, dip a cotton cloth or cotton in the ointment and apply it on the wound or lump.

Note :- Patients who have wounds must  take care of hygiene and clean it properly with Povidone-iodin and keep it open for 3 to 4 hours a day and for quick healing of wound use antibiotics with the doctor’s advice.

Medicine for vomiting:-

  1. Take 5 leaves of green mint, 5 leaves of green basil/tulsi, 5 drops of lemon juice, 1 clove. after crushing them all give       to the    patient to take it with cold water or honey in an interval of two hours.
  2. Take 5 ml of ginger in lemon grass (green tea). Mix the juice and drink it thrice a day.


Medicine for diarrhea :-

  1. Take 5 ml of ginger(1 spoon juice) dissolved in 1 cup of hot water and drink it 3 times in a day.
  2. Take 100 grams of fennel/saunf + 100 grams of coriander/dhaniya and roast it in half the quantity i.e. 50-50 grams on a pan, finely grind both rosted and raw coriander and saunf together. Take 5 grams (one teaspoon) of the medicine mixed with cold water . Drink them after an interval of 2 hours.


Medicine for constipation:

In the above medicine, take 5 grams of rock salt and carom/ajwain seeds and half a gram asafoetida/hing, 100 grams of fennel/saunf, 100 grams of coriander/dhaniya, both in half. • Roast 50 grams coriander, 50 grams fennel in a pan. Make a powder by mixing both roasted and raw and grind them. And in this medicine, mixing one spoon of carom/ajwain seeds, half a spoonful of black salt and 2 pinches of asafetida with hot water, they get rid of constipation and gas.


Most of the fluctuations in the blood of cancer patients, hemoglobin, platelets keep getting less and more, you should make this juice for them, it is very beneficial :- • 5 leaves of giloy ● 5 leaves of gular • 5 leaves of peepal • half of papaya Leaf • Hibiscus/gudhal flowers 6-7 (in case of no flowers, 10 fresh leaves of hibiscus plant can be used), 30-35 leaves of sahjan/moringo, grind all these well in a grinder and make juice and give it to the patient. There is a lot of benefit, if there is a high deficiency of hemoglobin in the blood, the quantity of fresh flowers and leaves of hibiscus should be increased.

Note: – If the hemoglobin content of the patient is less than 8.5, go to a dispensary or a hospial for blood transfusion.

Pavtan Pavtan